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Niciun mesaj nou după ultima vizită  faclair Gaidhlig air an lion
John Farebrother
Jan 18, 2009
Steven Ritchie
Aug 20, 2020
Niciun mesaj nou după ultima vizită  Luchd-eadartheangachaidh ann
John Farebrother
Sep 5, 2008
Steven Ritchie
Aug 20, 2020
Niciun mesaj nou după ultima vizită  How to get more translation jobs for freelance translators (English to Gaelic)?
Samuel Murray
May 11, 2018
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Protemos translation business management system
Create your account in minutes, and start working! 3-month trial for agencies, and free for freelancers!

The system lets you keep client/vendor database, with contacts and rates, manage projects and assign jobs to vendors, issue invoices, track payments, store and manage project files, generate business reports on turnover profit per client/manager etc.

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Manage your TMs and Terms ... and boost your translation business

Are you ready for something fresh in the industry? TM-Town is a unique new site for you -- the freelance translator -- to store, manage and share translation memories (TMs) and glossaries...and potentially meet new clients on the basis of your prior work.

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