Asked | Open questions | Answered
Points Date Pair Term / Answer given Level Status Gloss
- Jun 11 '02 por>eng a maternidade do Hospital Universitário da USP (HU-USP) The maternity of the USP University Hospital easy closed ok
- May 19 '02 esl>eng fondo del ojo 1) Fondo del ojo: fundus of the eye easy closed ok
4 May 14 '02 eng>esl medical needs ¿necesita atención médica? easy closed ok
- Mar 15 '02 eng>esl viruses virus easy closed ok
- Feb 18 '02 esl>eng responsabilidad patrimonial patrimonial liability? easy closed ok
2 Jan 18 '02 eng>esl commissioner inspector - inspectores easy closed ok
- Jan 18 '02 eng>esl Discussions were made on the laboratory infrastructure and techniques adopted. Se analizó la infraestructura del laboratorio, habiéndose adoptado las técnicas correspondientes easy closed ok
Asked | Open questions | Answered